28 Lo spazio di mezzo
Display Landscapes
Flexible wall panelling system
Torino, via Giacomo Medici 28,
4 design and visual communication students + 1 architecture student (1 university)
3 countries (China, Italy, Mexico)
6 design+build days + remote graphic development
28 Lo spazio di mezzo
atelier mobile
Francesco Paolo Rolfo, Luca Barello, Cristiano Tosco
design+build team
Filippo Bindi, Ningbo Hu, Fernando Leyte, Hangle Su, Martina Romano
Giovanni Coletta
special thanks to
Sara Cariola e Alberto Re (Circoscrizione 4 Torino), Raffaella Lecchi (Fondazione per l'architettura Torino), associazione Gli Artimani
28 Lo spazio di mezzo
atelier mobile, China Room Polito, CSSA Polito, Babelica, Zhison
space supported by
Circoscrizione IV Torino
sponsored by
Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, Fondazione per l'architettura Torino, Idrocentro, Iren, Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Torino
atelier mobile, Ningbo Hu
The flexible panelling system designed for the interior walls of the space is a dynamic tool, simply reversible and adaptable to uses such as exhibitions, events and group activities. The panelling system is related to the very soul of the location: a meeting room between Chinese and Italian culture, with the representation of imaginary geography that mixes landscapes and cities of the two countries.